
SecurityScorecard Credits Tackle with 8X Growth in AWS Marketplace Revenue

Executive Summary

SecurityScorecard provides tangible cybersecurity ratings for millions of companies. Founded in 2014, its mission is to make the world a safer place for organizations. To market this unique offering and help boost sales, SecurityScorecard partnered with Tackle, a leading software company dedicated to helping independent software vendors (ISVs) generate revenue through the clouds. By leveraging AWS Marketplace, SecurityScorecard has seen dramatic results. In its first year, it saw an 8X increase in revenue through AWS Marketplace.

Key Highlights

Experienced 8X

revenue boost after first year


the time needed to close deals

Gained strategic sales advantages

by working with a savvy partner

So. Much. Critical. Data.

There are many reasons SecurityScorecard is a global leader in the cybersecurity industry. For example, its simple 0–through–100 and A–to–F rating scales make it easy for CEOs, board members, and anyone without a technical background to quickly understand and evaluate a company’s security risk. But SecurityScorecard’s real strength lies in the massive volume of data it collects and evaluates to create these ratings. By scraping more than 12 million domains and billions of IP addresses daily, the company compiles vast amounts of granular, risk–surface data that’s essential for chief information security officers, security operations center (SOC) personnel, and other technical security team members to be effective in their jobs.
In order to continue growing its business and connect with more of these key decision-makers, SecurityScorecard realized AWS Marketplace was where it needed to be. And, while the internal engineering team could handle the job of getting their solution listed, the sales team knew they needed to find a sales partner with expertise in maximizing the value of AWS Marketplace if they were going to be successful.

Partnering with Tackle was ‘Exactly What We Needed’

SecurityScorecard chose Tackle as its Cloud go–to–market (Cloud GTM) partner. “Getting to AWS Marketplace is the easy part,” said senior director and global head for risk solutions at SecurityScorecard. “But when I started looking at the level of work required to actually be successful there—to get sales and business in alignment and to really get the most of what AWS Marketplace has to offer—that’s when I knew Tackle had exactly what we needed.”
Thanks to its one-of-a-kind Cloud GTM Platform, Tackle was able to elevate the GTM process for SecurityScorecard. Tackle’s Smart Onboarding allowed everything to happen quickly. And the Tackle Co-Sell feature extends the SecurityScorecard sales team’s capabilities by allowing Tackle experts to function as members of the SecurityScorecard team. “The strength of its solution has allowed Tackle to come alongside us as a phenomenal partner. They bring a level of knowledge that extends across all the different business departments—rev ops, alliance teams, sales leadership, account leadership—which, in turn, allows me to quarterback the process by getting sales conversations going.”

AWS Marketplace Growth Hyper-Scaled by 700% in 1 Year

Even though SecurityScorecard is still early in its AWS Marketplace journey, the company is already seeing impressive results thanks to Tackle’s expertise. In fact, SecurityScorecard saw an 8X revenue increase through AWS Marketplace (700% growth) in just two quarters—and it’s forecasting similar results in subsequent years.

“We just closed a six-figure, annual deal in a couple of months instead of the multiple quarters it would normally take, and another closed in just six days.”

Senior Director and Global Head for Risk Solutions, SecurityScorecard

A Sales Cycle Reduced from Multiple Quarters to 2 Months

The sales team at SecurityScorecard has also seen a decrease in the time it takes to close deals thanks to increased visibility into the sales process for all stakeholders. “Our reps really like the transparency Tackle Offers has added. We just closed a six–figure, annual deal in a couple of months instead of the multiple quarters it would normally take, and another closed in just six days.”

First Year 1%, Second Year 10%

Based on the successes it saw in the first year by working with Tackle and AWS Marketplace, SecurityScorecard is going all-in for the future. “We’ve set a really aggressive goal of generating 10% of our company’s total revenue through AWS Marketplace. The first year, we saw 1% and, as we fine-tune things like channel alignment and improve partnership strategies, I think that goal of 10% is completely attainable.”

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About SecurityScorecard

As an industry leader in security ratings, SecurityScorecard provides actionable insights for over 12 million organizations so they can quantify trustworthiness, quickly respond to cyber-risks, and strengthen cyber defenses.

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