
Streamline and Scale your Cloud Marketplace Selling Operations with Tackle + SDDS from AWS Marketplace

How Tackle's reporting & insights leverages SDDS from AWS Marketplace

Sellers looking to better understand their AWS Marketplace data were excited about the announcement last week from AWS Marketplace that they’ll begin providing Seller Data Feed Delivery Service (SDDS) to all Marketplace sellers.

As companies scale their Marketplace businesses, they can run into new challenges. First, Marketplace selling is a different motion than direct sales and may involve more stakeholders. In addition, Marketplace deals are often larger, and more revenue can increase scrutiny. Additional elements need to be accounted for, such as bookings reporting, renewal tracking, and custom offers. AWS Marketplace has been innovating to provide an opportunity for ISVs to better understand and report on their Marketplace business in a more granular fashion.

AWS started by sharing transaction details via CSV files, then evolved towards an API based approach – the AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics Service (CAS). They complimented this service with the Enhanced Data Sharing Program (EDS) and recently added SDDS that delivers business insights directly into sellers’ Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Tackle is announcing support for SDDS which allows subscribers to Tackle’s Platform to leverage the rich data provided by AWS without the need to build any custom reporting solutions.

“We love that AWS is providing expanded and more granular data about Marketplace to help Finance and Sales Ops teams get the information they need,” said John Jahnke, CEO of Tackle.io. “We welcome being an AWS partner and bringing these data services to life for Marketplace sellers.”

How Tackle’s Reporting Enhances SDDS

Tackle built an out of the box SaaS platform that gives ISVs a way to view, manage, and understand their AWS Marketplace data without needing to know SQL, or having to build a custom reporting solution. Tackle synthesizes the best of the best of these data sources in a view that makes sense for Marketplace sellers.


Tackle’s Reporting & Marketplace Insights provides value to multiple individuals in an organization, from the CRO to Finance to Operations. The platform shows high-level information about new and expiring contracts, and it also supports critical, detailed information of the entire contract lifecycle. With Tackle, you’ll get views on disbursements, fees, tax collection, as well as the ability to visualize your revenue over time by listing and see multiple listings in a single view. In addition, it provides a seamless way to make Private Offers a more integrated part of the quote-to-cash process and solve more advanced use cases like metering for product usage without requiring heavyweight API integrations.




ISVs will still have access to all of the Tackle functionality they know and love, like out of the box business reporting and the easy to use interface for slicing and dicing data when users need to extract more sophisticated insight, but our backend system will be supported by the more robust and reliable SDDS.


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