
Private Offer Status Notifications, Date & Time Activity, and Customer Details, Plus Upgrades to Disbursement Reports

April Product Updates

Tackle built the software and processes to make it easy to sell your software in Cloud Marketplaces and leverage this channel to drive significant revenue. We’re continually innovating on our Cloud Marketplace Platform based on customer feedback to make it easier to manage and scale your cloud software business.

In this month’s update, we’re excited to share some updates to our Private Offer Acceleration feature which include status notifications, date and time activity, and streamlined customer details, and some exciting enhancements to our disbursement reports. Let’s dive in!

Private Offer Updates Galore

Our Private Offer Acceleration solution provides a streamlined way to send Private Offers, a clear view of the order’s movement through the stages, and the granular visibility that sales, finance, and operations teams need. 

With the latest enhancements to Private Offer Acceleration, we focused on bringing transparency and usability to all our Marketplace sellers. Here are three updates we can’t stop talking about:

Status Notifications
We know there are multiple stakeholders for every deal that need to be looped in on a Private Offer’s status. We wanted to make it even easier to keep everyone informed. So now anyone, internal or external, can receive a notification email when the Private Offer status changes and there’s no need for the recipient to have an account within Tackle’s Platform. 

Simply add their email address to the ‘notify users’ section and any internal stakeholders, like extended members of your sales team as well as any external stakeholders, like a Cloud Provider rep, can now get the very same notifications you already see.

Notifications can include when purchase instructions are sent, an email is opened, an offer is viewed, and an offer is accepted. Sales Ops teams will love this because it decreases the number of questions you get for updates on the status of a Private Offer. 

Date & Time Activity

Sellers love the ability to extend deals to customers with negotiated pricing, terms, and durations, while tracking the granular details of the Private Offer status through closure. We’ve given this activity feature an upgrade and now you will not only see what actions have been taken and by whom, but you’ll also see the exact date and time that the actions occurred. In addition, the time zone will reflect the viewer’s local time, so it’s always relevant to the individual. That way you have a source of truth for what’s happening, with who, and when.

Customer Details
In an effort to streamline the Private Offer experience from start to finish, when you configure the fields on the registration page, you can now purposely set the order and group similar topics together such as street, city, and state. As a result, the order of the fields in Private Offer Acceleration will now match the order on the registration page for stronger alignment between the registration page and the Private Offer process. It’s all about experience, baby!

Ensure you get paid

In an effort to help our customers better identify and link up disbursements with their ISVs orders, we’ve made some upgrades to our disbursement reports. Access to this data is critical for finance teams to accurately book revenue and ensure they are getting paid, so you could say we’re pretty jazzed about these updates.

Here’s what’s new: we replaced the Customer Email Domain, which was all too often someone’s personal Gmail account, with the Customer Name from Registration which is a more accurate identifier. We also added fields on the report for AWS Customer ID, Offer ID, Subscription Start Date, and Invoice Date for better identification purposes. Now you can get paid without worry!

Questions about our latest updates? Let us know! The Tackle team is here to build a platform that our customers love and are excited to use, and we want to hear from you. Contact your Tackle Guide (support@tackle.io) with any questions or feedback.

Want to see any of these features in action? If you’re not yet a Tackle customer, schedule a demo today or check us out on AWS Marketplace, Azure Marketplace, and Google Cloud Platform Marketplace.

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