
Tackle Launches a Developer Hub to Support Marketplace Growth and Automation

Five Common Use Cases for Extending Tackle With Our Suite of Developer Tools

Cloud Marketplace go-to-market strategies are different for every ISV. Some are interested in establishing a presence and testing the waters, while others are all-in on a digital sales strategy with Ops and Sales leadership dedicated to the cause. As this exciting new channel grows, our customers find success, and their customers become more familiar with the Marketplace purchasing process, the need for some level of process automation becomes apparent.

Get to Marketplace With Zero Roadmap Disruption

Product and Engineering teams at some of the most innovative software companies in the world lean on Tackle to get their products listed quickly on multiple Cloud Marketplaces like AWS Marketplace, Azure Marketplace, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace without requiring any upfront engineering resources. Tackle enables your valuable developer resources to stay focused on the roadmap that serves your customers while we do the heavy lifting on integrations, deployments, and updates. 

When It’s Time to Scale and Automate for Growth

As your company scales your Marketplace transactions, we know first-hand how important it is to automate processes and simplify the workflows for sellers. That’s why we have published all the tools and resources your developers will need to help you scale and grow. 

The Developer Hub includes access to Tackle’s powerful APIs, flexible webhook options, and documentation on our growing list of Connectors. While our Customer Journey team has historically made these resources available to developers on-demand, now we have centralized the tools and added helpful guides and use cases. Here are just a few of the low code and no code ways that developers and system admins can extend Tackle to support your growing Cloud Marketplace business.

Top Five Tackle Automation Use Cases

  1. Marketplace Order and Transaction Notifications

Extend legacy systems to automate steps of your Marketplace sales and provisioning workflows with a variety of webhooks from Tackle. Marketplace event notifications such as offer sent, offer viewed, offer accepted, new order, and order modified can kick off any of these processes to make digital sales just as smart as direct. Webhooks can also simplify opportunity management in Salesforce or other CRM by updating the record based on a new order notification.

  1. Automated Metering Records Transmission

Tackle provides an API that simplifies the usage-based billing process enabling finance and accounting teams to true up any overages at a cadence that aligns with your business. Tackle eliminates the need for internally built infrastructure to automate this process, providing a single point of integration for all your Cloud Marketplaces.


  1. Private Offer Process Automation

Streamline the Private Offer workflow with a combination of Tackle Offers and our Salesforce Connector. Eliminating manual data entry, Tackle’s Salesforce Connector allows sellers to continue working in their system of record while extending existing direct sales processes to Marketplace opportunities. Plus, for AWS sellers, Tackle Offers eliminates the need to create the offer in the AWS portal. 



Currently in beta, your Salesforce Admin can work directly with Tackle to set up the Connector by mapping data fields from your SFDC opportunities to Tackle Offers. More to come on this feature once the beta period concludes, so stay tuned!

  1. Internal Communications

With the Slack Connector, your teams can stay updated on new orders, upgrades, and cancellations within your preferred Slack channel. Celebrate wins in the moment and spare your inbox with the Tackle Cloud Marketplace Platform Connector for Slack.

  1. Automate Nurture Campaigns

Connect Tackle to Marketo to automatically capture Marketplace order registration details and push them directly to Marketo. Kick-off a nurture campaign to start converting free trial customers to paid without the manual effort.

Let’s Chat!

Questions about our latest updates? Let us know! The Tackle team is here to build a platform that our customers love and are excited to use, and we want to hear from you. Contact your Tackle Guide (support@tackle.io) with any questions or feedback.

If you’re not yet a Tackle customer, schedule a demo today or check us out on AWS Marketplace, Azure Marketplace, and Google Cloud Platform Marketplace.

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