
Learnings & Insights from Tackle’s 2023 State of Cloud GTM Report

Hear from CEO John Jahnke and Chief Cloud Officer Sanjay Mehta about the latest findings and predictions from Tackle’s State of Cloud GTM Report.

Get the full 2023 State of Cloud GTM Report


In this year’s report, you’ll find key learnings such as: 

  • Cloud Marketplaces have created a path for revenue transformation
  • Marketplace and co-sell go hand-in-hand
  • Executing on Cloud GTM, particularly at-scale, doesn’t come without its challenges
  • Cloud GTM is a strategic, long-term, company-wide commitment—not a tactical or departmental initiative
  • Cloud GTM success is a journey, not a destination


As well as predictions to keep in mind as we head into 2024: 

  • We will see as high as $15B in Marketplace throughput by the end of 2023 and $100B by 2026.
  • Over the next few years, finance leaders will get on board with Cloud GTM being one of the most efficient revenue channels in their business.
  • Five years from now, every seller in a software company will know how to win with cloud.
  • Incentives for ISVs to engage in cloud partnerships through go-to-market activities will crescendo before they phase away.
  • Customer demand to purchase solutions including multiple products and services will drive innovation from the channel.

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