
Closing the Books on 2021 with a Clear View of Marketplace Transactions and Revenue from Tackle

As we look ahead to the end of another quarter and closing the books on 2021, our Product team has spent a lot of time thinking about how we can make the Marketplace revenue reconciliation process easier for finance teams. Reconciling Marketplace revenue with direct sales and other channels can be challenging, especially as the volume of transactions continues to grow. Today we are happy to share a few new Tackle features that offer enhanced visibility into subscriptions, invoices, and disbursements.

New API Endpoints Available in Developer Hub

This summer, we launched the Tackle Developer Hub giving our customers the flexibility to automate processes and simplify sales, provisioning, and metered billing workflows with these self-serve developer tools. The Developer Hub includes access to Tackle’s powerful APIs, flexible webhook options, and documentation on our growing list of Connectors. In addition to the Metering API, we have added APIs for Invoicing and Disbursements, and next month will add a Subscriptions API as well.

Invoicing and Disbursements APIs Offer Automation and Enhanced Visibility

The Invoicing and Disbursement APIs, currently available for AWS and GCP, consolidate data from multiple Marketplaces and make it programmatically accessible. Finance teams can query by start and end dates so that data can then be transferred to their financial system for additional analysis and inclusion with other revenue streams.

The Latest Improvements in AWS Disbursements

Access to disbursement data is critical for finance teams to accurately book revenue and ensure payment is received or on the way. A couple of our latest improvements to Data Feeds help Finance easily visualize and report on payment status for AWS orders.

  • AWS Uncollected Funds data is now available in Data Feeds. Identify which customers haven’t paid an invoice and how overdue they are. View uncollected funds by product, age, and see a breakdown by payment due date.
  • Find the correct information faster with the new date filter on Data Feeds. Easily view data from the relevant time frame when reconciling disbursements or checking monthly revenue. Preset time frames don’t give the view you need? You can always set a custom range in the new filter.

Coming Soon: Subscription API

The team is really excited about the upcoming Subscription API, available next month. This option allows for the convenient delivery of additional data points on every order immediately after the purchase is completed. The API will deliver all the information that Tackle provides in notifications along with start and end dates. In early 2022, additional data points will include payment terms (monthly/annual), and further details about your new customer. Finance teams will also be able to query a list of orders based on any timeframe. 

If you haven’t already, take a look at the Tackle Developer Hub. In addition to these exciting new APIs, we have added documentation on our popular Salesforce Connector and made some improvements to the Marketo Connector as well. 

Questions about our latest updates? Let us know! The Tackle team is here to build a platform that our customers love and are excited to use, and we want to hear from you. Contact your Tackle Guide (support@tackle.io) with any questions or feedback.

Want to see any of these features in action? If you’re not yet a Tackle customer, schedule a demo today or check us out on AWS Marketplace, Azure Marketplace, Google Cloud Platform Marketplace, and Red Hat Marketplace.

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