
Revenue Playbook: How Wiz Tackles Cloud GTM

Hear how Wiz started and scaled its Cloud GTM strategy and how they’ve grown revenue from their first listing to building operational excellence.

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear “co-sell”?

Most people say seller-to-seller.

However, co-selling extends beyond the sales team to brand and marketing, building one cohesive story together.

Co-selling is a multifaceted strategy.

And with 84% of sellers saying driving co-sell with the Cloud Providers is important or very important to their business priorities in 2023, it’s only becoming more pivotal to the success of your Cloud GTM.

In this webinar, hear from Erin Figer, VP of Co-sell at Tackle and special guests from GitLab and Rubrik about:

  • How co-sell and Marketplace fit into a Cloud GTM strategy
  • The formula for a robust co-sell strategy
  • Leveraging co-sell to grow your business, brand, and relationships

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