

Get Listed & Start Selling on the Cloud Marketplaces

Tackle is the enterprise-preferred solution for creating or enhancing Marketplace listings on AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft, as well as managing the end-to-end private offer process. Everything you need to list, sell, and grow with the clouds in one place.

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Get Listed Faster & Manage Listings Easier

Tackle has helped hundreds of software companies get listed and start selling in the Cloud Marketplaces. Our Cloud GTM Platform streamlines the listing process and eliminates the need for developer resources to build, edit, and manage your listings. If you’re already listed, you can import existing listings to the Tackle Platform to take full advantage of all of Tackle’s features. 

Once you’re listed, Tackle maintains multiple API connections to the Cloud Providers, relieving product and engineering resources so they can focus on building products that delight your customers.

Accelerate Time-to-Marketplace

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Tackle handles the heavy lifting of standing up a new listing or importing an existing one, reducing friction and time-to-Marketplace so you can reach new buyers faster and start closing deals.
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Minimize the back and forth and get to Marketplace faster with Tackle’s built-in collaboration capability, facilitating team alignment and communication across all stakeholders.
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Scale your Cloud Marketplace channel without the heavy lifting — across multiple providers or with multiple products. Tackle handles it all, giving you the confidence to do it again and again.

Customers ❤️ Listing with Tackle

Thanks to Tackle, we were able to launch our new SaaS listing in less than 2 weeks with zero engineering cycles required so our internal team could stay focused on platform innovation. As a result, we've reduced sales cycle time by 20% for customer purchases run through our Marketplace listing.

Steven Larsen Headshot
Steven Larsen, VP, Platform Partnerships, Sisense

Customize, Track & Close Marketplace Private Offers

Marketplace private offers are a fast way to pass custom pricing and terms to each buyer — delivering a personalized feel that results in shortened timelines and quicker closes. Whether you’re working a new deal, renewal, expansion, or working with a channel partner, Tackle Offers streamlines the Offer workflow, provides a clear view into an order’s movement through acceptance stages, and gives sales, finance, and operations teams visibility they crave.

Tackle Offers also works in Salesforce for an end-to-end private offer workflow that minimizes manual data entry and keeps sellers in their CRM from opportunity creation to closed won.

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Accelerate the Path to Closed-Won


Create Marketplace private offers directly in Salesforce or in the Tackle Platform, and keep deal data & updates in sync with the Cloud Provider portals. This repeatable process, integrated with your CRM, improves adoption and simplifies the creation of Marketplace private offers across clouds.


Track private offers from creation to acceptance. With the Tackle dashboard, easily see and filter all offers at any stage, organized by cloud and product listing. Stay up-to-date and know when the customer has opened the simplified buyer instructions and is ready to accept the offer. Then provision your product with your standard processes.


Book revenue accurately and on-time. With Tackle’s virtual purchase orders and the option to add custom details that finance may need to book the deal, such as pricing details, contract value, and entitlements. All booked orders and disbursed revenue are centralized in the Tackle Platform, making it easier to track and manage your revenue streams.

Customers ❤️ Tackle Offers

Tackle gives us a lot more visibility into the status of the private offers our team creates. We can see all Marketplace sales activity in one dashboard, and our team appreciates the notifications and Slack integration, so we know immediately when a deal has closed. It’s a better sales experience, improving internal adoption of the Marketplace while reducing the friction in the buying process for our customers.

Victoria Celis Headshot
Victoria Celis, National Alliance Manager, CrowdStrike
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Partners in Your Success

Tackle’s Cloud GTM experts will help you navigate the path to listing on and selling through the Cloud Marketplaces. Based on your business needs, maturity level, and volume, we’ll create a plan with you to achieve your goals.

Get Listed &
Start Selling

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