
Lacework Reaches New Heights with 5x Increase in New Customers

Tackle supports Lacework's 3x revenue growth and 5x net new customers

Executive Summary

Lacework's solution is built on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and most of its customers are also AWS customers, so they knew that the AWS Marketplace was where they needed to be. Lacework's engineering team had put together an interim solution, but they needed to be freed up to focus on engineering-related tasks instead. That’s why Lacework partnered with Tackle and its Cloud GTM Platform to provide a zero-engineering approach and deliver everything Lacework needs to launch and grow their Marketplace business. And grow they have — quite dramatically. Since partnering with Tackle, they’ve seen 3x growth in revenue and trial conversion rates above 90% each quarter. Not only has using Tackle been good for the Lacework bottom line, it has allowed their engineers to focus on what they do best — delivering a solution that helps customers build in the cloud with speed and safety.

Key Highlights

3x in revenue growth

5x increase in new customers

90% trial conversion each quarter

3x employee growth rate

To build or buy, that is the question

With more and more organizations making the move to the cloud, Lacework was already seeing sales growth, but of course, the company wanted to maximize that growth as much as possible. The engineering team had built a solution that allowed Lacework to list their platform in AWS Marketplace, but it was lacking a number of important features. Plus, it was pulling important engineering resources away from where they were really needed — advancing the Lacework product quickly and effectively to exceed customer expectations. So as the question arose of whether to continue pouring engineering hours into building and maintaining a custom solution, or to instead work with an experienced partner that has a proven record helping companies thrive in AWS Marketplace, it was an easy decision.

Partnering with Tackle was a “no-brainer”

“Very quickly it came down to a build versus buy conversation,” says Michael Musselman, Sr. Director, Technology & Strategic Alliances. “Right away I knew partnering with Tackle and the AWS Marketplace was a no-brainer. I was able to take a weight off the engineering team, to say ‘you focus on what it is you do best — go build the product and let me worry about handling the Marketplace.’ That was a pivotal decision.” For Lacework, the onboarding process was simple and straightforward, too. “The group at Tackle that helped me was absolutely fantastic,” Musselman says. “I didn’t know what I was getting into, but they were with me every step of the way. They really functioned more as my consultants rather than salespeople.”

Good listeners who add leverage

The team at Tackle takes pride not just in the expertise they provide customers, but the level of responsiveness they deliver as well. “Tackle really has our back,” Musselman says. “Like any good company, they listen to their customers. But they don’t stop there, they take our feedback, listen to our goals, our strategies, and add more leverage to get results. I get to spend 99% of my time on market strategy. We could have continued to handle things in-house, but if you’re baking a cake, you need to put in all the ingredients in the right order. Tackle was one of those ingredients and has been a huge part of our continued growth.”

AWS is “the sun in our solar system”

Working with Tackle and AWS Marketplace has helped fuel growth for the company that can be characterized as nothing short of explosive. In the first quarter of 2021, Lacework reported a 3x revenue growth, a 5x increase in new customers, and a 3x employee growth rate, year-over-year. That growth continued through the second quarter as the company attracted new customers across segments and industries — including expansion into multiple new countries. “I knew early on that if I could get AWS to introduce my team to just one-tenth of one percent of their customers, Lacework could grow faster than anyone imagined,” says Musselman. “And that’s exactly what the Tackle and AWS Marketplace partnership has delivered to us. I see AWS as the sun in our solar system. Customers, ISVs, and channel partners are drawn to the ecosystem and the gravity is strong. The trick is to put yourself in earth’s position — not so close that you burn up (from excessive competition) and not so far that you freeze (i.e., aren’t part of the Amazon Partner Network). If you listen to your prospects and they are asking to buy via the Marketplace, Tackle is the easiest decision you’ll have to make.”

Tackle really has our back. Like any good company, they listen to their customers. But they don’t stop there, they take our feedback, listen to our goals, our strategies, and add more leverage to get results. I get to spend 99% of my time on market strategy.

Sr. Director, Technology & Strategic Alliances, Lacework

Primed for even more growth

As for future plans, there’s little doubt dramatic growth will continue to be a large part of the Lacework story. The company has added numerous employees (including members of its leadership team) and it continues to expand globally, all the while driving product innovation and entering new markets. “We’re a company that is hyper-scaling,” Musselman says. “We continue to expand in every key business area and improve our partnership with AWS along the way. Part of the credit absolutely goes to our partnership with Tackle and AWS Marketplace.”  

Hear from Michael

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About Lacework

Lacework is a data-driven security platform for the cloud. Its cloud security platform, powered by the patented Polygraph technology, automates cloud security at scale so customers can innovate with speed and safety.

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