
Tackle’s Google Cloud Marketplace Seller Guide

Understanding the people, processes, and programs involved when listing and selling your products on Google Cloud Marketplace.

Cloud Marketplaces have revolutionized B2B software selling, making it easier (and faster) for ISVs to reach customers and accelerate revenue. However, understanding the roles, processes, and programs associated with the Google Cloud Marketplace (formerly known as Google Cloud Platform) can sometimes be overwhelming.

This guide is designed to give you an overview of the Google Cloud Marketplace and the benefits of partnering with Google Cloud to sell your software on the Marketplace as part of your Cloud GTM strategy.  

Read More: 3 Reasons Buyers Are Flocking to Cloud Marketplaces  

Let’s start with the basics.  


What is the Google Cloud Marketplace?

The Google Cloud Marketplace is a catalog of software solutions designed to be deployed on Google Cloud. Buyers can find, research, and purchase a wide range of software through the Google Cloud Marketplace.

The Google Cloud Marketplace enables customers to simplify procurement and connect with millions of buyers around the world.

Purchasing through the Google Cloud Marketplace also helps buyers speed up the procurement process and sometimes bypass the need for internal review if Google Cloud is already an approved vendor.


Google Cloud Marketplace listings

On Google Cloud Marketplace, you can offer production-ready stacks, products, and datasets to accelerate deployment, so customers spend less time installing your software. You can offer these products with pricing features such as subscriptions, pay-as-you-go, and custom pricing. (These products will appear as line items on your customers’ ongoing Google Cloud bill.) For most configurations, your customers receive one bill for all of your products and services, as well as the Google Cloud services that they use.

Some of the benefits of partnering with Google Cloud include:

  • Accelerated sales processes
  • The ability to leverage the Google Cloud brand and build trust with your customers
  • Scalable and repeatable procurement process with deployments integrated with the Google Cloud
  • Attractive incentives for your customers: Google Cloud Marketplace purchases allow them to retire Google Cloud committed spend


What are the key Google Cloud Marketplace programs?

One of the first steps to take if you’re thinking about listing on Google Cloud Marketplace is to join the Partner Advantage program. Joining Partner Advantage is mandatory to list on Google Cloud Marketplace.

Partner Advantage is the central hub for all Google Cloud partner resources. Through Partner Advantage, you’ll have access to best practices, documentation, co-selling, and co-marketing resources, in addition to support from Google Cloud experts. 

Other Partner Advantage benefits include financial incentives and technical enablement.

Partner Advantage includes three engagement models: 

  • Self Engagement Model: Companies that integrate Google Cloud offerings into their portfolio and sell Google Cloud technologies to their customer base and indirect resellers.
  • Service Engagement Model: Companies that provide consulting and integration services, transform and manage customer apps and workloads, or provide Google Cloud authorized training.
  • Build Engagement Model: Companies that create solutions that integrate with or run on Google Cloud to complement or enhance Google’s products.

ISVs that list in the Google Cloud Marketplace will select the “Build” engagement model (however, you can join under more than one model).

Additional Google Cloud Resources

The Google Cloud Partner Fundamentals Course is a comprehensive online course designed to provide Google Cloud Marketplace partners with the basics of how to position, transact, and monitor performance of a Marketplace listing.

For more technical assistance, the Google Cloud Skills Boost can help you  integrate your SaaS product with the Google Cloud API.

The Google Cloud Marketplace Webinar Series also provides additional information, particularly from the perspective of ISVs that have successfully listed and transacted on Google Cloud Marketplace.

The Cloud Digital Leader certification provides extensive training to help business leaders without a technical background better understand the use-cases, benefits, and capabilities of the Google Cloud.  

The Partner Marketing Studio provides turnkey tools to help you build and launch marketing campaigns.


Co-selling with Google Cloud Marketplace

Co-selling is a collaborative partnership between the ISV and Google Cloud to help promote Google Cloud’s services and accelerate sales within Google Cloud Marketplace. In a co-selling relationship, Google Cloud’s sales team and the ISV will collaborate to help buyers evaluate and purchase the software they need. The goal is to help the ISV close more deals faster, while helping Google to expand its own business and boost cloud consumption.

Read More: Co-selling 101 for Startups: Stand Out in a Crowded Field

The first step to co-selling with Google Cloud is for the ISV to identify upcoming opportunities or potential renewals that could potentially transact through the Marketplace. Next, contact your Field Service Representative (or ISV Specialist, if you’ve been assigned one) to discuss co-selling.

Next, you’ll need to build a strong track record of deals through the Google Cloud Marketplace. Each time you successfully close a deal on Google Cloud Marketplace, be sure to share these wins with your Google contacts.

Read More: A DIY Approach to Co-selling

Entering into a co-selling partnership with Google Cloud Marketplace hinges on establishing a solid “better together” story. A “better together” story is simply messaging that illustrates why your product aligns well with Google Cloud and how the marriage between your offering and Google Cloud’s services will be a good fit that ultimately benefits software buyers. 

Learn More: How to Build Your “Better Together” Story with Google Cloud Marketplace 


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Who sells on Google Cloud Marketplace?

Independent software vendors (ISVs), data providers, and consulting partners all sell their software, data, and services in Google Cloud Marketplace. The ubiquity of Google allows these companies to potentially reach millions of customers.

What type of products are sold on Google Cloud Marketplace?

Google Cloud Marketplace features a variety of third-party software, data, and services. Popular categories include DevOps, security, networking, business applications, machine learning, operating systems, professional services, and data products. These are available through a variety of deployment methods and pricing options.

How does Google Cloud Marketplace handle payments to ISVs?

Each month, Google computes how much customers paid for an ISV’s products, and what Google owes to the ISV (including amounts for metered listings). ISVs receive payouts typically on the 21st of every month. Google pays ISVs the aggregated amount due from all customers for the month.

Who shops on Google Cloud Marketplace?

Google Cloud Marketplace attracts a wide range of B2B software buyers—from small companies to large enterprises—looking to solve business problems. The variety of products and services available through AWS Marketplace makes it easy to find solutions from security to machine learning.


Building success with Google Cloud Marketplace

The Google Cloud Marketplace can be a highly effective channel for scaling your Marketplace strategy and driving revenue, and Google continues to invest heavily in the Marketplace.

Read More: The Complete Playbook to Cloud Marketplaces

However, it does take some careful planning to get an ISV up and running on Google Cloud Marketplace.      

Schedule a demo with Tackle to learn how we can help you get listed with Google Cloud Marketplace and make the most of Marketplace selling.


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